Virtual Business Card

A Jack of all trades is a master of integration, as such an individual who knows enough from many learned trades and skills to be able to bring their disciplines together in a practical manner, and is not a specialist but can be an expert in many fields. Such a person is known as a polymath or a renaissance man; a typical example is someone like Leonardo da Vinci.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

How to Send perfmon email alerts using sendmail.exe

How to Send perfmon email alerts using sendmail.exe
Download sendemail.exe:

Create a batch file similar with the similar code below:

C:\sendEmail.exe -f -t -u SUBJECT -m %1 -s localhost:25 -xu login -xp password

Create the alert:
1.) Click on start->Run

2.) Enter perfmon on the Alerts node, right click and select new alert settings
3.) Enter the name of the alert
4.) On the general tabclick the add button to add your counters and adjust the alert value
5.) On the action tab tick on run this program and browse for the batch file you just created
6.) Click Apply


  1. I have setup a bat file to do this very thing and write to a text file log. If i run the bat file via the command line both the email gets sent and the text entry is made.

    When have a perfmon alert ru nit, only the text file gets written to. Any idea why that might happen?

  2. can someone please help me with the same issue?

    I created a batch file that sends an email and rights a log in a text file. It works if I manually run it, but I have no clue how to make this thing work in perfmon...

    In perfmon, I created a data collector that should monitor a program and send me an email alert if/when the processor jumps at/over 50%.

    In the DataCollector's properties, on the Alert Task tab, the first option I have is "Run this task when an alert is triggered". I put this line in the field "%systemdrive%\SendEmail\testbatch.bat". I don't know what/if I should populate anything in the Task Arguments fields... The way it is right now it doesn't's not sending any emails.

    Can anyone please help me with this?
    I'd kindly appreciate it.


