Virtual Business Card

A Jack of all trades is a master of integration, as such an individual who knows enough from many learned trades and skills to be able to bring their disciplines together in a practical manner, and is not a specialist but can be an expert in many fields. Such a person is known as a polymath or a renaissance man; a typical example is someone like Leonardo da Vinci.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Business Process Management Notation Cheat Sheet Poster

The latest version of the popular modeling language for business processes is in the final stages. There are new modeling constructs and two additional diagram types available in 2.0.

The new BPMN 2.0 Poster gives you a handy overview over the new constructs. It was created by the "Berliner BPM-Offensive" and is available for download for free.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Scoped Site not being indexed or crawled in SharePoint 2010

To resolve this:

Site Settings->Search and Offline Availability

Under Indexing Site Content select “Yes”

Related Error:

This item and all items under it will not be crawled because the owner has set the NoCrawl flag to prevent it from being searchable .

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Increase WebService call TimeOuts in Nintex Workflow 2010

If the web service call times out you may be able to correct this by increasing the timeout value using the SetCallWebServiceTimeout NWAdmin operation. This operation is used to specify how long every call web service action should wait before causing an error due to a timeout. Note that having many workflows that remain processing in memory for a long time (for example, while waiting for a web service response) is not recommended.


NWAdmin.exe –o SetCallWebServiceTimeout –milliseconds numberOfMilliSeconds


Name    Description

- milliseconds     The number of milliseconds the call web service action should wait before timing out. The default is 100,000 milliseconds (100 seconds).

Full details of the using NWAdmin can be found on Connect:

Display Unique Permissions in a SharePoint 2010 Site


Error 404 when browsing SharePoint 2010

To troubleshoot further:

If a page element is missing—either a user control hasn’t been deployed or something else that needs to be in place for the page to compile dynamically is awol—you might be the proud owner of a 404 even though the page itself does exist.

HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

After setting the SafeMode element’s CallStack element true in web.config, turning off CustomErrors, and setting the debug=”true” attribute on the compilation element, you’re possibly looking at a beautiful ASP.NET error message with no stack trace and not a lot to go on

NT AUTHORITY\authenticated users cannot be granted Permissions in SharePoint 2010

When you want to add all authenticated users, you need to add 'NT AUTHORITY\authenticated users'.

But if you type it in and click Check Names, this will give you a strange name.


You need to just type it in and press OK.

Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true SharePoint 2010

Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. Please also make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModule or a custom session state module is included in the \\ section in the application configuration.

1. On all servers open the web.config of the web application then set enableSessionState to true and start the aspnet state service

Also comment out the following line

securitytoken.svc/actas is too busy SharePoint 2010

An exception occurred when trying to issue security token: The HTTP service located at http://localhost:32843/SecurityTokenServiceApplication/securitytoken.svc/actas is too busy. .

An unexpected error occurred. Error 52068.

Exception details:

System.ServiceModel.ServerTooBusyException: The HTTP service located at http://localhost:32843/SecurityTokenServiceApplication/securitytoken.svc/actas is too busy. —> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelFactory.HttpRequestChannel.HttpChannelRequest.WaitForReply(TimeSpan timeout)

Resolution was re-provision the Security Token Service application.

PS C:\Users\sowmyans> Get-SPServiceApplication

DisplayName TypeName Id

———– ——– –

Access Services Access Services W… 77562ca9-5c80-45f4-9a21-6d86c013eb75

Secure Store Service Secure Store Serv… 5eceb8dd-ef3d-4c7d-b900-59436e4743a1

State Service State Service 54dfbd6d-dc83-48e9-9b79-a52853aad23d

PerformancePoint … PerformancePoint … 7556e63a-4c50-400c-8788-de6724b64ab7

Visio Graphics Se… Visio Graphics Se… ac3ab2e0-3952-473d-9901-001b050ef945

Managed Metadata … Managed Metadata … 32eeb3d8-b710-4635-81d5-771701072593

Web Analytics Ser… Web Analytics Ser… 9cb8fdbb-c87c-4c11-9c91-d89e04aec703

Excel Services Ap… Excel Services Ap… 8918fc32-b6f2-49ad-9d60-f0d7a866d85d

Security Token Se… Security Token Se… 033b6266-261d-4318-9a9a-36f0e390d346

Application Disco… Application Disco… 80a9e9de-88d0-4ce1-8108-380117fc1c11

Usage and Health … Usage and Health … 746c7339-1e8c-47ae-8583-ea80faae5fac

Search Administra… Search Administra… 944cfcd9-155e-41c0-82b7-95386d737fcb

Word Automation S… Word Automation S… c2a414b6-dfb7-4974-8eb4-6c2c6da65af0

Application Regis… Application Regis… e1131c58-0242-4aab-9156-1de22c2be8a4

User Profile Serv… User Profile Serv… 24f623c3-d368-4901-aee0-aed2f8e3f129

Business Data Con… Business Data Con… 2d21dffe-a188-42d7-b46e-04850805bcde

Lotus Notes Conne… Lotus Notes Conne… 115431c5-80e7-40d4-bdd8-7a7254951714

Search Service Ap… Search Service Ap… 1f69450e-c835-4219-9b46-7f444c204059

PS C:\Users\macevi> $sts = Get-SPServiceApplication | ?{$_ -match “Security”}

PS C:\Users\macevi> $sts

DisplayName TypeName Id

———– ——– –

Security Token Se… Security Token Se… 033b6266-261d-4318-9a9a-36f0e390d346

PS C:\Users\macevi> $sts.Status

PS C:\Users\macevi> $sts.Provision()

Solution stuck at deploying or retracting in SharePoint 2010

The first steps in resolving this would be to ensure that the SharePoint Administration service is running correctly and potentially try to restart it as described in the forum post. Since the solution was successfully deployed the latest version is actually already applied in your environment only the live framework has not been installed.

Since leaving it for a while eventually allowed the solution to deploy we recommend reviewing the deployment again after some time. Apart from this you can try reviewing the SharePoint logs for any SharePoint errors that may suggest why the deployment became stuck. Please note that any solution you try to deploy at this point will become stuck, this will not only affect our latest version. The way we deploy the solution has not changed between versions and the deployment is controlled entirely by SharePoint.

For issues with the solution package being stuck in deployment.

Can you please try following these instructions. Basically, this will cancel the deployment that is stuck in progress allowing you to start again. Unfortunately, this issue is occasionally seen with SharePoint Solution Packages.

First run this command which will show you all in-progress deployments, there will probably be only the one.

stsadm -o enumdeployments

Look for the JobId string corresponding to the Nintex workflow deployment job

and then run:

stsadm -o canceldeployment -id “you job id string here”

This should cancel the deployment, and if you go to the solution management pages in Central Administration the solution should be listed as ‘not deployed’.

From this point you can try again. We have found that it usually just works the second time; if not the SharePoint logs will need to be analysed to try and determine what is causing the failure.

This stsadm command will do a deployment, the same as pressing the deploy button within the Central Administration UI.

stsadm.exe -o deploysolution -n nintexworkflow2007.wsp -allcontenturls -immediate -allowgacdeployment

Hopefully when you run this command (again, all these commands can be run on the one front end server) it will install correctly.

If the solution package is listed as Error.

Can you please ensure the Windows SharePoint Administrative service is running. To do this please open the services management console (start->run then services.msc) and ensure the service is listed as Started.

Once this has been done you will have to execute the stsadm command:

stsadm.exe –o execadmsvcjobs

Please also check the solution information page by clicking on the solution package link in Central Administration -> Operations. There may also be additional information about the cause of your error.

Testing other simple solution packages in your environment.

There are two simple solutions that will help determine the scope of any issues you are experiencing with solution deployment. They can be used to confirm the issue is global to the environment.

The commands to add the solutions to the solution store is:

stsadm.exe -o addsolution -filename

You can use the Central Administration UI to actually deploy them.

WSP 1:

This solution deploys globally, it does not require a url to be specified.

It will create a file at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE called TestingSolutionGlobal.txt

If Solution 1 does deploy correctly, then please also try WSP 2 as well, which is slightly more advanced.

WSP 2:

This solution does require a web application to be selected.

It will create a file at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE called TestingSolutionForWebApps.txt, deploy a file called SimpleSolution.dll to the GAC and add an entry to the web.config file for the web application as follows:

Note that the SimpleSolution.dll contains no code that will execute.

Using the 2 solution packages listed above can help determine if the issue is with the nintexsolutionpackage or all solution packages in general. If these solutions also do not deploy we suggest you contact microsoft for addictional support as this indicates an issue with your SharePoint envrionment, which we are not able to troubleshoot.

Possible causes of your deployement issue / log files to investigate.

Please check your SharePoint logs for the time the solution was schedule to be deployed. The logs are found by default at c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\Logs.

A sample error from a log where we have previously seen this issue:

“The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.IndexingScheduleJobDefinition (ID xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx) threw an exception. More information is included below. An update conflict has occurred, and you must re-try this action. The object IndexingScheduleJobDefinition Name=Indexing Schedule Manager on servername Parent=SearchService Name=OSearch is being updated by DOMAIN\username, in the OWSTIMER process, on machine SERVERNAME. View the tracing log for more information about the conflict.”

these errors suggest a critical timer job error relating to internal SharePoint problems persisting object to the database. These errors also mention ‘update conflict’ as experienced when attempting solution deployment. We believe this underlying issue could be preventing solution deployment and must be resolved.

When seeing errors of these kind you should be able to contact Microsoft directly for additional support as we are not equipped to resolve sharepoint deployement issues.

Cannot retract a solution. Solution stuck at retracting

Other symptoms: Cannot uninstall the LanguagePack 0 because it is not deployed

work around would be to cancel retraction and execute the following command:

stsadm.exe -o deletesolution -name testingsolutionforwebapps.wsp -override

Additional Things to Check:

Have you installed SP1 with/without June 2011 CU? Maybe that’s the problem. Try installing December 2011 CU.

"Access denied" to Site Collection administrator / Site Actions not showing

One morning I kept getting "Access denied".

• I got access denied when I accessed that root of the site. http://site/

• I got access denied when I accessed the settings page http://site/_layouts/settings.aspx

• I got access denied when I tried to modify any file in SharePoint designer.

I was defiantly a site collection administrator.

Then the sun started to shine. It turns out that the site collection had been locked when I checked in "Site collection Quotas and Locks". Now why didn't I think of this sooner. I should have known better.

How Enable Audit Log Reports Option in SharePoint 2010

STSADM.EXE -o activatefeature -name Reporting -url http://sitecollectionurl/ -force

How to Trim Audit Log in SharePoint 2010

Please use the power shell below:

$site = Get-SPSite -Identity http://

$date = Get-Date

$date = $date.AddMilliseconds(1)


